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Happy woman managing menopause symptoms

Achieving Wellness in Menopause

Feeling Good & Functioning Well


Helping you to be the best you can be at your age & stage

How we can help

Practical reflection & realistic goal setting

Exercise to Improve Body Composition/Bone Density and Increase Insulin Sensitivity 

Address Stress, Anxiety, Irritability, Insomnia, & Mood Swings

 Optimise Daily Functionality and Build Resilience

Reimagined Nutrition for Metabolic Stability

Meet MenoCare Solutions

Coaching for Women Dealing with Menopause

Led by Cathy Murphy BA/LLB(Hons), LLM(Cantab), LLM (Hons), a former barrister who retrained as a L1 CrossFit Coach, became certified under Dr Stacy Sims' Menopause 2.0 programme (see her books Next Level and Roar), completed the NHS-recognised EMCC Health Coaching Programme, and is a current Affiliate Member of the British Menopause Society - you can be assured that you are in good hands!


Cathy has always been a fierce advocate of women, and feels that, particularly in the mid-life health space, women are not given the focus or support that they need to live well.


We know that navigating peri and post menopause can be a huge challenge, which is why we offer a range of individualised online or in-person coaching sessions designed to help our clients manage their symptoms and experiences effectively. Our wellness coaching is tailored to your personal needs, incorporating exercises for both the body and the mind. We also provide nutritional and exercise guidance so that our clients can make practical choices to support their bodies and optimise overall well-being.

Happy Woman managing menopausal symptoms

Take the first step towards a healthier and happier you. Begin your journey to wellness with MenoCare Solutions today.

"I miss what I used to be like."

"I don't feel like I can trust my own brain; my memory is shot."

"I've put on weight in new places, and nothing that I do seems to shift it."

"I thought I was losing my mind or suffering from some undiagnosed condition; it didn’t dawn on me that this could be the start of the big M."

"The night sweats are unbearable and I get irrationally angry at small things. My family worry about what is going on with me."

"Exhausted, wrung out, tearful/furious or both at the same time. Then there's the weight gain, the thinning hair, the loss of libido, and the foggy brain. It is a LOT."
"I have been told I need to 'wait it out'. I understand that this could go on for years, and I cannot function properly when tired and over-emotional."
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